When working with Bitcoin and Ethereum development you can easily run a full test node on Windows. It doesn’t require that much setup. If you have tried it once you can configure the node within 15 min to an hour without too much trouble.
Sadly running a Cardano test node is not that easy and not even possible on Windows. This is sad since many many developers do development on Windows.
IOHK or others really need to step up and make it much more easy to setup a node. Not only on Windows but also on Ubuntu. Developers don’t want to spend a day or two setting up a node for doing development. They want fast access to a testnode so they can do development and test their code.
The next thing that is not really well supported is NPM packages for nodejs/typescript development. Yes there are a few packages but on Ethereum you have a full package called Web3 for “easy” api access to the blockchain. Cardano need a similar package.
Development tools are really important to make Cardano a true success so I hope to see that improved in the near future.